Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Week 1: Nature Society Talk

We have invited representatives from the Nature Society of Singapore to provide a talk on topics ranging from biodiversity conservation to the repercussions of deforestation - these are issues which are relevant towards gaining better local and regional insights on our focus theme - Sustainability. 

They will also be sharing with us current rehabilitative and preventive measures which have been undertaken to arrest problems pertaining to the loss of natural habitats. 

You may wish to visit the Nature Society website to obtain a better understanding of their work/achievements at:

Week 1 questions for reflection task force (Input to be put up on class blog by reflection task force by Wednesday 16 May 2012)
1. After listening to the talk, are you able to explain in Singapore's context, what it means to achieve "sustainable development"?

2. If you were to select an issue of foremost concern to Singapore out of those which were raised during the talk on sustainable development, which would that be? Why is this such a major concern?

3. Find out more about current College efforts to contribute towards sustainable development. Suggest one or two ways in which you as students can contribute towards this effort too. 

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